Monday, 28 July 2014

Search IFSC Code SBI

IFSC Code is very important code for everyone who need to deposit, transfer or doing any online transaction. And as we now that SBI or State Bank Of India is a leading Indian Bank.Today more than 75% peoples have a account  in SBI Bank. So IFSC Code of state bank of India is must to know for everyone. Search IFSC code of every branch of SBI Bank in india at : the leading IFSC code search engine. You sumply need to enter  Branch or City or Address or PIN Code to search IFSC Code.

STATE BANK OF INDIA has 17240 branches in India. and each branch have a unique IFSC Code. Along with IFSC Code at you can also find MICR Code. complete address of Bank branches, with phone no.

IFSC Code search Team

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Know IFSC Code of your bank Branch

Get new updated IFSC Code of all bank branches in India.


Saturday, 12 July 2014

what is the use of IFSC code in Online banking ?

Internet banking: the future of Indian banking is a method of performing online transaction. For performing online Transaction, a customer has to register on the respective bank website and set up a password for security purpose. The passwords should be strong must not be disclose to anyone. For every online Transaction customer must know the IFSC Code to identify the Bank branch involving in the transaction process. Here is some more explanation about IFSC Code :
IFSC Code (Indian Financial System Code): This code is given out by RBI to distinguish each bank branches in India. It is an 11 characters code, the first 4 characters represent the name of bank and the last 7 digits represent the Bank branch Code.

Ifsc, Ifsc Code, Ifsc code Search

The use of IFSC Code in online banking
In online banking we can do many financial operations:
Bill payments
Fund transfer between other accounts
Fees payments
Online shopping
Loan applications
Installments and many more activities.
To performing any of above transaction we need IFSC Code of bank branches involve in transaction process. Here take an instance, suppose customer need to transfer some fund to another person of any another bank and of different place and different bank branch.
Here, customer need the IFSC Code of the bank branch in which he has an bank account and also the IFSC Code of the bank branch in which the another person has account.
You can find IFSC Codes for various bank branches in India on
Usually customer can transfer funds through NEFT and RTGS. And Both NEFT and RTGS transfer process require IFSC Code of both source and destination bank branches and also both these accounts must be NEFT or RTGS enabled.

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