Saturday, 28 June 2014

Know IFSC Code of your bank

What is IFSC Code ?

IFSC Code (Indian Financial System Code) is an eleven character code assigned by RBI to distinguish al the bank branches in India ,wchich are taking part in NEFT framework in India. IFSc code is utilized by electronic payment system requisitions
First 4 letter set characters indicating to the Bank name. The next character is zero, last 6 characters indicates The branch code.

Why every one should aware of their bank branch IFSC CODE?

According to India's leading IFSC CODE Search Engine :

The IFSC code is a fundamental characteristic to approve keeping money transactions. The learning of IFSC Code empowers you to make transactions and receive payments virtually. Banks and associations utilize the IFSC to perform (RTGS) Real-Time Gross Settlement and NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) transactions to help and identify in streamlining the transactions between banks, bank branches and different bank accounts.
  • NEFT is an eco-accommodating installment mode utilized by people or an association to exchange funds electronically starting with one account then onto the next. It takes the type of an e-cheque as it sets aside a particular period time for adding up to be the beneficiary and cleared to be checked.
  • RTGS is an alternate electronic portal to transfer funds, receive and make payments between banks and accounts in real time.
  • The Reserve Bank of India is the central banking power controls all the banks and managing the account issues all around India. The RBI issues the IFSC Codes to all the banks. The RBI additionally records and lists the IFSC codes of all the banks under it.
  • RBI has exhorted all the banks associated with it, to distribute the IFSC Code as well as the MICR code to the specific bank branch on the cheque leaves issued to clients. This is to help authenticate, monitor, route, and identify the banking instruments for exactness in exchange of the funds.

How to know IFSC Code of my Bank Branch?

Each day every bank open their  new branches in different cities, town. And there are lots of website are available where you can get IFSC code, but they are not up to date.
to know  correct IFSC code of your local Bank branch visit:

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